How to Play

As usual, before doing any of the steps you must scatter the jacks on the ground in front of yourself.

  • Toss the ball (upward) with the right hand.
  • Now, grab the jack(s) with the right hand, while allowing the ball to bounce TWICE.
  • Catch the ball with the right hand, while still holding onto the jack(s).
  • Transfer the jack(s) to the left hand, while still holding onto the ball with the right.
    …Repeat the steps until all jacks are captured.

Start off with Onesies and continue on with Twosies, Threesies, Foursies, etc.; all the way up to Tensies.

Easier? Maybe. On one hand, you have more time to grab a jack and catch the ball, due to the second bounce. On the other hand, there will be times when you sit helplessly and watch frozen in fear, as the second bounce comes dangerously close to hitting another jack.